🚨Extra Skill Work Oppurtunity🚨
Here is an opportunity for girls grades 3-6 to work with varsity head coach, Jaryt Hunziker. Forms were sent home last Friday and are due October 11th. If you have any questions email coach at jhunziker@harrisburg.k12.mo.us.
Good luck to the Harrisburg Bulldog Marching Band today at the Highland Marching Band Invite!!! #BulldawgPride
Senior Class 2025 is selling Shakespeare's PIZZA!! From now until October 18th. Pizzas will be delivered to you frozen from the senior you order from (first week of November). Thank you for supporting us!!
Harrisburg hosts New Franklin for a V/JV DH tonight at 5:00 pm. Good luck to the coaches and players!!! #BulldawgPride
Good luck to our Harrisburg Lady Bulldog golfers today at the Central State 8 Conference Tournament at Redfield Golf Course in Eugene!!! #BulldawgPride
Congratulations to the Harrisburg MS softball team with a sweep over South Callaway tonight!!! #BulldawgPride
A: (9-1) wins 9-2
B: (8-1-1) wins 13-3
Harrisburg (0-4) MS football falls 44-0 vs Tipton tonight #BulldawgPride
Tonight’s MS football game will be live-streamed tonight on MSHSAA TV at 6:00 pm.
In a Best of Five, Harrisburg eSports won 3-1 over Eagles eLearning Academy.
HMS Bulldogs eSports bring home the W-I-N in their inaugural season opener! Way to go to our team!
Harrisburg Middle School is proud to announce the founding of its competitive esport team bouting in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Through a generous sponsorship by our league @PlayVS, @NintendoVS, and Harrisburg Middle School this new sport is up and running!
Go vote for our Jillian Stidham as the Central State 8 softball Player of the Week by the Columbia Orthopaedic Group!!! #BulldawgPride
Please join us for PTO (Harrisburg Parent/Teacher Organization preK-12) tonight (Oct 1) at 6 p.m. in the elementary/middle school library.
The fundraising PTO does is for items for our classrooms or helping our Harrisburg students in some way. It is a very important organization to our district. We need parents at meetings so we can accomplish great things for the district.
If you can't make it in person here is the NEW Zoom link.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 9955 1944
Passcode: 884107
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,82299551944#,,,,*884107# US
TEACHER FEATURE TUESDAY: Today’s featured teacher is Mr. Caiden Webb. Mr. Webb has been a teacher for six years and started his career in Harrisburg in 2019 as a student teacher working with Mr. Chris Ackman. He returned to Harrisburg High this year to teach part-time while working on his PhD at the University of Missouri.
Mr. Ackman shared that “As a student teacher Mr. Webb did an amazing job and made quite the impression on students by developing connections with them. We were excited to learn that he was returning to Columbia from Sullivan, Illinois where he had been teaching and would return to Harrisburg as a faculty member.”
Mr. Webb is teaching Current Events, Dual Credit Government, Dual Credit Geography, Dual Credit American History to 1865, and Dual Credit American History from 1865 in the 2024-25 school year.
In addition to his part-time role at Harrisburg, he teaches classes and conducts research at Mizzou, lives in Columbia with his fiancé, and is so glad to have the opportunity to be back at Harrisburg.
Welcome back to Harrisburg, Mr. Webb. We are glad to have your expertise and experience available to our students this year. #BulldawgPride
Celebrate fall by decorating a pumpkin as your favorite book character. Turn in finished pumpkins the week of October 15 to the HEMS Library. Pumpkins will be on display through October 31. Details will be sent home with elementary students.
Good luck to the Harrisburg MS football team as they will host Tipton tonight at 6:00 pm!!! #BulldawgPride
Good luck to the Harrisburg MS softball team tonight at South Callaway!!! #BulldawgPride
Congratulations to the Harrisburg MS softball team with a sweep over Fayette!!! #BulldawgPride
A (8-1) won 4-0
B (7-1-1) won 5-4
Harrisburg (8-11, 2-4) falls 15-0 in 3 innings to Linn #BulldawgPride
Congratulations to Sr. Trace Combs who was nominated as Central State 8’s Week 5 Player of the Week!!!
Go vote for Trace!!! #BulldawgPride